
Maximize Every Booking

Discover the world with us and enjoy exclusive perks while accumulating points on every booking.

How Our Rewards Program works

Maximize Every Booking (10)

How to Enroll

Once you make your first booking, you are automatically enrolled. If you are already a Luxuria customer, you are already enrolled and no action is needed.

Maximize Every Booking (11)

Travel Smarter

Earn 1% cash back on every booking, with points that never expire.

Ex. Book a $10,000 trip and earn 10,000 points. At the time of redemption you will receive $100 towards next bookings.

Maximize Every Booking (12)

How to Redeem

Contact your travel advisor to redeem your points towards your next trip.

More ways to earn points

Maximize Every Booking (3)

Earn 5,000 points

Leave a video testimonial

Maximize Every Booking (9)

Earn 5,000 points

Complete Travel Survey

Maximize Every Booking (8)

Earn 1,000 points

Write a Google review

Maximize Every Booking (4)

Earn 1,000 points

Birthday Bonus
